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More Broadband, Digital and Mobile in UK

The latest figures from U.K. communications watchdog Ofcom show a dramatic increase in the adoption of digital technology in the U.K. -- Ofcom's second-annual Communications Market report found that more than 60 percent of U.K. households now have digital TV, while sales of DAB radio sets increased to more than 1.5 million early this year. Each month, approximately 250,000 households switch to digital TV, a boom driven by Freeview, which has increased its total subscriber numbers to more than 4.6 million households. For the first time ever, more households (30 percent) have broadband connections than dial-up Internet, leading the regulator to predict that, by the year 2010, more people will watch TV on the Internet than on analog TV. "This report shows that U.K. households are now accelerating into the digital age," said Ofcom's Ed Richards. "In parallel, industries formed over decades are being reshaped by digital broadcasting and broadband with every month that passes."

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