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Showing posts from May, 2024

Electric Vehicle Global Market Momentum

The time has come. The global transition to electric vehicles (EVs) is rapidly accelerating, propelled by government initiatives to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change.  As concerns over the environmental impact of traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles mount, nations worldwide are implementing aggressive policies to spur the adoption of EVs and the deployment of vehicle battery charging infrastructure. According to the latest global market study by Juniper Research, this driving force of progressive government intervention is catalyzing EV transformation growth. Electric Vehicle Market Development Juniper analysts have reviewed the pivotal role government policies are playing in shaping the future of the EV market. They highlight the various incentives, subsidies, and mandates introduced by countries globally to encourage rapid EV adoption. One of the most striking findings from the Juniper Research study is the projected 194 percent growth in the total

Future of Work: Skills-Driven Employment

The way we work is undergoing huge changes. Technological advancements like automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and cloud computing are fundamentally altering the landscape of office worker employment. Business leaders are grappling with a new reality: the talent skills gap between their current knowledge workers and the growing demands of digital transformation raising the bar of expectations. A recent  International Data Corporation (IDC) survey of North American IT leaders uncovered the latest employee learning and development insights. Nearly two-thirds of respondents reported that a lack of critical skills has resulted in missed revenue growth objectives, quality problems, and a decline in customer satisfaction. These issues represent a significant drag on a company's top and bottom lines. Future of Work Apps Market Development "Getting the right people with the right skills into the right roles has never been so difficult," said Gina Smith, PhD, research direc

Manufacturers Benefit from GenAI Apps

Digital transformation goals continue to influence large enterprise IT spending. Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) has now emerged as a transformative technology. Its ability to create entirely new business models or designs holds immense promise across industries. Still, a recent market study by ABI Research, presented at the 'Hannover Messe 2024' event, paints a somewhat cautious picture of GenAI adoption in the global manufacturing sector. ABI Research highlighted a strong presence of GenAI at the event, with industrial software vendors showcasing its application in the form of AI assistants and co-pilots. They forecast revenue from GenAI use cases in manufacturing will reach $10.5 billion by 2034. Manufacturing GenAI Market Development "The dominant use cases leverage core strengths of Large Language Models (LLMs) for Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) programming, code generation, step-by-step work instructions, and data enrichment and consolidation,"

The Rise of Open Hybrid GenAI Platforms

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been steadily transforming business, now a new wave is poised to make a seismic impact: Generative AI (GenAI) tool adoption. In fact, we may have already reached the inflection point. Unlike traditional AI that analyzes data, GenAI goes a step further. It applies analysis to create entirely new content, be it realistic images, marketing copy, or innovative product designs. A recent Gartner study revealed that GenAI is the most frequently deployed AI solution in organizations. This is marking the dawn of a new global era in human-machine collaboration. "GenAI is acting as a catalyst for the expansion of AI in the enterprise," said Leinar Ramos, senior director analyst at Gartner . "This creates a window of opportunity for AI leaders, but also a test on whether they will be able to capitalize on this moment and deliver value at scale." Global Generative AI Market Development Gartner's survey found that, on average, only 48 percent

The Cloud Imperative for Telecom Operators

The telecom sector is undertaking an update of its IT infrastructure. As demand for data continues to soar with the proliferation of 5G and new apps, network operators can't rely on their legacy hardware and network architectures. The process of "Cloudification" offers a path to reduce costs, improve efficiency and scalability, plus meet increasingly ambitious infrastructure sustainability goals. According to the latest market study by Juniper Research, cloudification spending by telecom operators will see tremendous growth in the coming years, rising from $26.6 billion in 2024 to $64.9 billion by 2028 -- that's a 144 percent increase in just four years. Telecom Cloud Apps Market Development "Telecom networks are becoming more complex; requiring increasingly automated network management systems. However, operators must insulate mission-critical traffic when reducing power, to guarantee quality of service for enterprises," said Alex Webb, research analyst at

How AI Impacts Data Workload Investment

The importance of data in today's business landscape fundamentally reshapes how CIOs invest in their IT infrastructure. A recent International Data Corporation ( IDC ) market study highlights this trend, revealing insights into spending patterns. The study indicates that structured database and data management workloads are the largest spending category within enterprise IT infrastructure. This is unsurprising, considering the foundational role these workloads play in managing digital business data. However, IDC's worldwide market study also sheds light on a noteworthy shift – spending in some categories witnessed a slight decline in 2023 compared to 2022. Data Workload Market Development This dip could be attributed to several factors. Organizations might optimize their existing data management processes, potentially leveraging more efficient storage solutions or cloud-based data management services. Additionally, the rise of alternative data sources, such as unstructured and

On-Device AI Transforms Consumer Tech

The past decade has witnessed an explosion in Artificial Intelligence (AI) use cases. From facial recognition software to virtual assistants, AI is rapidly reshaping our digital world. However, most of this AI processing power has resided in the public cloud, requiring a broadband internet connection and raising concerns about personal data privacy. This deployment model is about to evolve. The future of AI is the ability to function directly on our devices, according to the latest worldwide market study by ABI Research. On-Device AI Market Development The research predicts a significant growth in AI chipset shipments, reaching over 1.3 billion units by 2030.  This surge signifies a critical shift towards on-device AI, empowering smartphones, PCs, tablets, and other gadgets with the ability to process AI tasks locally. This transition is driven by two key factors. Firstly, smartphone and PC vendors are prioritizing the development of chipsets specifically designed for on-device AI, par

Reshaping Data Analytics Operating Models

Data has become the lifeblood of forward-thinking organizations. Market leaders leverage vast troves of data to inform decision-making, personalize customer experiences, and optimize operations. However, extracting value from this digital data requires analytics capabilities. Here's where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a powerful tool to unlock actionable insights. AI Data Analytics Market Development According to the latest Gartner market study, there's a significant shift in how organizations approach data and analytics (D&A) due to AI's growing influence on business outcomes. The study found that 61 percent of organizations actively evolve their D&A operating models in response to AI capabilities. This underscores a critical realization: the traditional approaches to data management and analysis are no longer sufficient. The integration of AI into D&A offers several compelling advantages: Enhanced Data Exploration: AI tools can automatically analyze

Banking as a Service Gains New Momentum

The BaaS model has been adopted across a wide range of industries due to its ability to streamline financial processes for non-banks and foster innovation. BaaS has several industry-specific use cases, where it creates new revenue streams. Banking as a Service (BaaS) is rapidly emerging as a growth market, allowing non-bank businesses to integrate banking services into their core products and online platforms. As defined by Juniper Research, BaaS is "the delivery and integration of digital banking services by licensed banks, directly into the products of non-banking businesses, commonly through the use of APIs." BaaS Market Development The core idea is that licensed banks can rent out their regulated financial infrastructure through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to third-party Fintechs and other interested companies. This enables those organizations to offer banking capabilities like payment processing, account management, and debit or credit card issuance without