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Nielsen to Integrate P2P "Top Swaps"

Nielsen to Integrate "Top Swaps" P2P Download Data from BigChampagne -- Media ratings provider Nielsen Entertainment on Wednesday announced a partnership with Big Champagne, to integrate the company's peer-to-peer file-sharing network monitoring data into Nielsen radio airplay ratings. The addition will place data on top swaps alongside Nielsen's radio airplay data on the company's -- to provide record labels, artists and radio stations with a new source of information on music trends. "The linkage of Nielsen Entertainment's Actionable Entertainment Intelligence in music with Big Champagne's P2P charts is the beginning of a broader new landscape we plan to map, detailing the interrelationship between technology and consumption," said Nielsen Entertainment president and CEO Andrew Wing. Beverly Hills, California-based BigChampagne's data is culled from monitoring P2P networks like Kazaa, and is also syndicated by Entertainment Weekly and E! Entertainment Television.

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