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NPOWR to Launch "stimTV Music"

Los Angeles-based NPOWR Digital Media says that 550 indie and alternative music artists from 85 different labels have signed on to be part of its "stimTV Music" broadband programming service, which is scheduled to launch October 15th. The service's content will include music video clips, artist interviews and live concert footage. stimTV Music is one of several stimTV channels that NPOWR plans to roll out over the coming months (other channels will be devoted to cinema, lifestyle and shopping, the company says). According to the company, stimTV is based on patented software that allows viewers to instantaneously sort and customize thousands of video clips, in order to create a personalized entertainment experience: viewers are presented with a random flow of seven-to-ten-second clips. According to NPOWR, the clips will be designed to give viewers just enough footage to decide whether they want to see more: if they decide they want to see more of a particular piece of footage, they will be able to arrest the random stream by clicking on their mouse. The service's underlying technology will then use their choices to tailor its streams more to their interests the next time they access them. In addition, viewers will have the option of creating an anonymous profile that enables the service to further customize the video with which it presents them.

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