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The Customer Experience Executive

IDC will present its latest insights on the key issues that IT vendors face as they build better capabilities around customer experience. The analysis comes from IDC's Customer Experience research area, which tracks trends in how IT vendors are working to better address the information needs of prospects, buyers and customers.

The vendor research establishes benchmarks and best practices in priorities and resource allocation issues. Additional end-user research provides insights into the experience that prospects, buyers and customers want from vendors and quantifies how much not being aligned potentially costs vendors in revenue, retention and positive word-of-mouth.

Key questions to be addressed:

What customer touch points do customer experience team look at?
What touch points are customer experience teams chartered to improve?
What is the reporting structure for the customer experience role?
What is the historical and future growth rate in customer experience staffing?
What areas of customer experience are most important to vendors?
What are the biggest challenges for customer experience teams?
How is customer experience impact measured?

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