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European Broadband TV Forecast

Internet Protocol Television will account for almost 10 percent of the European pay-TV market by 2009, according to new research published by Screen Digest. Citing France, Italy and Spain as the continent's leading markets, the study predicts that Europe's IPTV market will grow to 8.7 million viewers in 2009, from just 658,000 who currently subscribe.

IPTV -- which allows viewers to receive TV pictures via a DSL phone line -- is increasingly being offered by the continent's telcos as a new product to offset sliding income from fixed-line telephony.

Other Key Findings from the Report:

* In the first six months of 2005 the number of subscribers to European IPTV services has increased by 66 percent
* France is the biggest of Europe's IPTV markets and will still be in 2009 by which time there will be 2.4 million subscribers
* IPTV growth rates over the next five years will see this new platform have a significant impact on most European Pay TV markets
* In 2004 eight new IPTV services were launched in Europe, this is the highest number so far.

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