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KT Launches Commercial WiBro

Delegates from the WiMAX Forum participated in the inaugural launch of KT�s WiBro personal broadband service. KT successfully demonstrated how mobile WiMAX technology can be used for the real-time delivery of multimedia-rich applications to mobile handsets to key dignitaries, top industry executives and members of the media attending the Asia-PacificEconomic Cooperation�s (APEC) annual event in Busan, Korea.

During his keynote speech at APEC 2005 Korea, WiMAXForum President Ron Resnick commended KT for its pioneering efforts and its role in advancing mobile WiMAX technology. He also highlighted KT�s achievements as proof that mobile WiMAX will soon become a reality for consumers worldwide, and how this technology will fuel the economic growth, trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific region.

�Clearly, those of us in attendance of this event have experienced first hand the types of video, voice and data applicationscan be delivered to mobile devices, thanks to the live network and impressive demonstrations by KT,� continued Resnick. �KT�s WiBro services provide an early glimpse to what is possible and that mobile WiMAX will be the technology to deliver personal broadband to consumers around the globe.�

During the APEC event, KT exhibited its new network and services through a series of live demonstrations and events where its branded Wonder-Media (video service), Wonder-message (SMS, MMS), Wonder-Phone (mobile VoIP), and Wonder-Tour (Location based service were delivered to PDAs, tablet PCs and laptops. To prove its mobility, KT delivered two-way video, Internet and messaging broadband services, a range of devices that were located in a traveling shuttle bus that allowed conference attendees to experience mobile broadband.

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