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Verizon FiOS Launched in Herndon VA

Verizon launched its second FiOS TV market, offering video service over its fiber- to-the-premises architecture in Herndon, Virginia.

Verizon is offering 180 video and music channels for $39.95 per month. The service also offers 20 HDTV channels, 1,110 video-on-demand (VOD) titles and an interactive programming guide.

The telco is offering a standard-definition set-top box for $3.95 per month, an HDTV box for $9.95 and a dual-tuner digital-video-recorder/HD set-top for $12.95.

Verizon offers a variety of tiers:

� A separate Spanish 140-channel service is available for $32.95 per month;

� A 15-channel sports package for $5.95;

� A 45-channel Starz, Encore, Showtime and The Movie Channel package is priced at $11.95 per month. The 15-channel sports and 45-channel movie tiers can be combined for $14.95;

� World Wrestling Entertainment Inc.�s WWE 24/7 subscription-VOD package is available for $7.95 per month;

� A 26-channel Home Box Office and Cinemax package is priced at $24.95, or $14.95 per month for each, priced separately; and

� VOD movies cost $3.95, library titles $2.95.

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