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UK Leads Adoption of Digital Television

Informitv reports that the UK is a world leader in digital television, now available in over 70 percent of households or 17.5 million homes. One in four UK adults lives in a home which no longer views analogue television, but there is still some way to go before all viewing is digital.

Digital take-up has not passed the 50 percent mark in any other European country, although 55 percent of homes in the US now have digital television. Some 30 million households worldwide adopted digital television in the course of 2005, meaning that 13 percent of all television homes now receive some form of digital television.

The latest figures published by the regulator Ofcom indicate that for the first time there are now more digital satellite subscribers in the UK than there are homes watching analogue terrestrial television or any other form of television delivery. A third of all UK homes now has satellite television.

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