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Blog, Podcast and RSS Advertising Forecast

Blog, podcast and RSS advertising are among the fastest growing segments in the alternative media industry, accounting for $20.4 million in 2005, according to a new report.

And this year, more brand marketers plan to explore those segments as blog, podcast and RSS advertising is expected to soar another 145 percent to $49.8 million, according to the results of a market study by PQ Media.

Their report determined that blog advertising accounted for 81.4 percent, or $16.6 million of total 2005 spending in blog, podcast and RSS advertising (also known as user-generated online media). For 2006, the blog market will outshine the podcast and RSS advertising, rising 118 percent to $36.2 million. It will continue to climb at a compound annual rate of 78.4 percent to 300.4 million, comprising about 40 percent by 2010, the report states.

A new blog is created every second, and up to 30 million blogs were operating as of this month, the report found. Podcast advertising, however, is projected to surpass blog advertising by 2010. The tactic, which totaled $3.1 million in 2005, is expected to jump at a compound annual rate of 154.4 percent to $327 million in 2010, the report stated.

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