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TV Future on Top of Communicasia Agenda

The future of TV will be a key theme at this year�s Communicasia 2006 show in Singapore, with both mobile TV and Video, and IPTV set to top the agenda according to Mark Newman, Chief Research Officer at Informa Telecoms & Media.

�As voice revenues continue to decline and eventually become a commodity, both fixed and mobile operators are looking to differentiate their services from those of their competitors and to avoid scenarios where price is the only differentiator,� comments Newman. �There are proven business models and seemingly insatiable demand for television services so it is extremely tempting for telcos to try and get into this sector,� he continues.

Informa predicts that there will be 120 million mobile TV users by 2010. Adoption rates will vary from region to region as the infrastructure is deployed and handsets begin to proliferate. Asia Pacific will lead the way with 2.4 million anticipated users by the end of this year, growing to 59.4 million users by 2010 or nearly 50 percent of the global market. Growth will be driven by innovative services from Korean operators which continue to gain traction in the market, with China and Japan also rolling out mobile TV services.

A similar picture unfolds with IPTV. The traditional model whereby only broadcasters could deliver TV services is now breaking down. Any broadband Internet service provider can now deliver TV. Some of the highest broadband household penetration rates are evident in the region which means that Asia will play an important role in the roll-out of IPTV globally. Hong Kong has a broadband household penetration rate of 74 percent, Korea, 73 percent and Taiwan 64.9 percent. Informa forecasts by 2010 there will be 26 million IPTV subscribers, 10.6 million of whom will be based in the Asia Pacific region.

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