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Advanced Home Networking Ports Forecast

Over 66.7 million Advanced Home Networking ports will ship with IPTV Customer Premises Equipment in 2010 according to a report from S2 Data Corporation entitled "IPTV Customer Premises Equipment - Home Networking Technology Market Analysis and Deployment Forecasts."

Advanced Home Networking ports are defined by S2 Data Corp as both wireless networking and wired technologies transmitting over coaxial, powerline and phoneline wiring. S2 Data predicts that over 41 million IPTV CPE units (IP STB, ONT/iNID and Residential Gateways) will ship in 2010 with Advanced Home Networking technologies.

Telcos face a series of critical choices when determining home networking standards for the distribution of advanced voice, data and video services in the home. S2 Data believes that the vendor community of customer premise equipment OEMs, semiconductor companies and technology suppliers also must place their bets accurately on the winning technologies and decide on the best course for integration and deployment.

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