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Overcoming Barriers to Mobile Data Uptake

A new UK market survey commissioned by Olista Ltd reveals that nearly half of the mobile data consumers who used a service for the first time during the 2006 football World Cup in Germany would not use it again.

According to the survey of 999 adults carried out during the final weekend of the competition, an encouraging 29 percent of World Cup mobile data users have used the service for the first time -- clearly, good news for mobile service providers. However, the bad news, 44 percent claimed that they would not use the service again.

A closer look into the views of UK mobile data users reveal that only 49 percent of consumers were satisfied with the cost of the mobile data service they used. Moreover, 19 percent believe that if mobile data services were easier to set up and use, then they would have been encouraged to use the services during the 2006 soccer World Cup.

The survey also asked the question, if the ease of access and quality of service was not a problem, then which mobile data services would potential users have considered using? Of the services on offer during the 2006 tournament, the result was text alerts (22 percent), video clips (16 percent) and picture messages (16 percent) were considered the most appealing to mobile users.

Only 11 percent of potential mobile data users would have been interested in mobile TV. This is disappointing for mobile operators and content providers, who were hopeful that the tournament would bring mobile TV to the forefront of data service offerings.

In summary, the report concludes that mobile operators need to anticipate, detect and resolve potential user problems to ensure consumers enjoy a flawless user experience every time, or they can essentially forget about having repeat customers. Furthermore, the data service pricing issues must also be resolved.

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