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Younger Generation Media Usage Patterns

MediaWeek reports that researcher Brent Magid says no other group of consumers will have as profound an impact on the media business over the next 10 years as the Millennial Generation, 9- to 28-year-olds, and he told promotion and marketing executives that it is imperative that they find a way to get their messages across to this group.

Magid, president and CEO of Frank M. Magid Associates, told an audience at the annual Promax conference in New York City today that this group, which numbers 79 million, one million more than the Baby Boomers in this country, have grown up using multiple media platforms at the same time, and need to be marketed to differently than the older Boomers. Magid said Millennials consume 20 hours of media a day, but that is all done within 7 hours of actual clock time.

"if you are going to be successful marketing your products, you must pay attention to this group," Magid said, which gets much of its information from word-of-mouth or from social networking sites on the Internet. Magid said 18 million 13-28 year olds use social-networking sites each day. But Magid warned that "the pot of gold is not necessarily attained by creating your own page on"

Magid said while much of the information the Millennials get is from word-of-mouth referrals or Internet related interaction, he said on-air promotional messages by the TV stations and networks is one of the most important ways to reach this group. So crafting promotional messages, a bit more cutting edge than traditional messages, to this group is vital.

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