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A2/M2 Committees Search for Metrics Savior

Nielsen Media Research announced the establishment of five new Client Advisory Committees to guide the company's 'Anytime Anywhere Media Measurement' (A2/M2) initiatives.

Along with the previously-developed Client Engagement Committee, the Committees will collaborate with Nielsen to provide valuable insight on the ongoing development and implementation of the initiatives. At least, that's their intent.

A2/M2 will provide integrated, electronic measurement of television content across multiple media platforms, reflecting the transformation of the television industry into a multi-platform business. Announced by Nielsen in June, A2/M2 was developed in close consultation with clients. They hope that these advisory Committees will assist Nielsen as it moves forward with the most extensive research and testing program in the company's history.

More than 200 clients volunteered to participate on the Advisory Committees and Nielsen selected nearly 90 representatives from all parts of the legacy broadcasting, cable, and advertising industries. The Committees are expected to meet three times a year and will have their first meetings in the fourth quarter of 2006.

I'm certain that Google's recent acquisition of YouTube has further fueled this melding of the mass media sector's ancestral brain-trust, in the hope that 'collectively' they can figure out a way to extend their prior status quo -- or otherwise minimize the unwelcome changes occurring within the rapidly evolving digital media marketplace.

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