According to the Photo Marketing Association (PMA), the volume of prints (all sizes) made from digital-still camera images increased by 48 percent in 2006. Online ordering activity grew at the rate of 129 percent in 2006.
Printing volumes on retail mini-labs and instant kiosks grew 51 percent and 41 percent, respectively. Growth in home printing remains healthy, but below the market average. In 2006, the volume of prints made at home grew by 25 percent.
The retail channel accounted for a total of 46.4 percent of prints made in 2006. Specifically, 13.8 percent of the prints were made instantly by consumers on a kiosk; 23.7 percent were sent from a kiosk/ordering station to a mini-lab for printing or customers gave their memory card to a store associate.
Households also ordered 8.8 percent of the total prints online and later picked them up at a retail location. In addition to these prints ordered online, 11.7 percent of the total prints were ordered online and then mailed back to customers.
Home computer printers, small-format consumer photo printers and docking combos accounted for 40.3 percent of the printing volume in 2006.
Including prints ordered online and picked up at a store, the retail channel accounted for 46.4 percent of the printing volume in 2006, an improvement from 41.9 percent in the previous year.
Home printing -- as a share of total printing -- ended the period at 40.3 percent versus 47.5 percent a year ago. Online players have improved their share in the market from 9.1 percent in 2005 to 11.7 percent in 2006.
Printing volumes on retail mini-labs and instant kiosks grew 51 percent and 41 percent, respectively. Growth in home printing remains healthy, but below the market average. In 2006, the volume of prints made at home grew by 25 percent.
The retail channel accounted for a total of 46.4 percent of prints made in 2006. Specifically, 13.8 percent of the prints were made instantly by consumers on a kiosk; 23.7 percent were sent from a kiosk/ordering station to a mini-lab for printing or customers gave their memory card to a store associate.
Households also ordered 8.8 percent of the total prints online and later picked them up at a retail location. In addition to these prints ordered online, 11.7 percent of the total prints were ordered online and then mailed back to customers.
Home computer printers, small-format consumer photo printers and docking combos accounted for 40.3 percent of the printing volume in 2006.
Including prints ordered online and picked up at a store, the retail channel accounted for 46.4 percent of the printing volume in 2006, an improvement from 41.9 percent in the previous year.
Home printing -- as a share of total printing -- ended the period at 40.3 percent versus 47.5 percent a year ago. Online players have improved their share in the market from 9.1 percent in 2005 to 11.7 percent in 2006.