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Researching the Darkside of Internet Filtering

The OpenNet Initiative (ONI) is a collaborative partnership of four leading academic institutions -- the Citizen Lab at the Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto; the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School; the Advanced Network Research Group at the Cambridge Security Programme, University of Cambridge; and the Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford University.

Their aim is to investigate, expose and analyze Internet filtering and surveillance practices in a credible and non-partisan fashion. They intend to uncover the potential pitfalls and unintended consequences of these practices, and thus help to inform better public policy and advocacy work in this area. To achieve these aims, the ONI employs a unique multi-disciplinary approach that includes:

- Development and deployment of a suite of technical enumeration tools and core methodologies for the study of Internet filtering and survellance;

- Capacity-building among networks of local advocates and researchers;

- Advanced studies exploring the consequences of current and future trends and trajectories in filtering and surveillance practices, and their implications for domestic and international law and governance regimes.

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