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Asian Developers Focus on Mobile Games

Ten percent of developers in the Asia Pacific region are working on computer games, according to the latest volume of the Evans Data Corp "Asia Pacific Development Survey," to be released to subscribers next week.

That's three times more than in North America. In addition, nearly a quarter of developers are writing mobile applications, and of those, 25 percent spend more than half of their time on mobile applications.

"Developers in the Asia Pacific region tend to be younger than developers in other parts of the world. Most are under thirty, and only a small proportion are over fifty years old," said John Andrews, President and CEO of Evans Data Corp. "This may in part explain their proclivity towards game development, and game development on mobile devices."

The overwhelming majority of APAC developers are young. Three quarters (74 percent) are thirty years old or less, and this proportion has increased in the last year suggesting a strong influx of new developers in this age range. Only 3 percent are more than fifty years old, compared to 26 percent of the North American developer population.

The Asia Pacific's market lead in mobile value-added service (VAS) development may be fueled by their growing developer talent pool. The findings in this comprehensive study are taken from a survey of almost 400 developers in the Asia Pacific region.

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