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M-Commerce Customer Experience is Lacking

The Strategy Analytics Wireless Media Lab has recently released its latest end user research report entitled "M-Commerce: Search Efficiency and Results Customization Critical," which evaluates the mobile experience of leading e-commerce sites eBay, and Odeon Cinema.

This report finds that users rated the experience of mobile commerce substantially inferior to the fixed internet experience, with extremely low satisfaction ratings, depending on the site being tested.

At the very least, users expect to be able to purchase content ( and Odeon Cinema) and bid for items (eBay) using the mobile portal. This report also found that Amazon -- followed by iTunes -- are the most sought after e-commerce sites on mobile phones.

"Consumers were profoundly dissatisfied with the concept of only using the M-Commerce sites for research and pre-purchase evaluation," commented Paul Brown, Senior Analyst, User Experience Research. "Participants were surprised and disappointed that when using the mobile portal they could search for flights and vacations but could not purchase either tickets or trips."

David Kerr, VP of the Global Wireless Practice, added, "If M-Commerce sites are to be successful, it is critical to offer users the core features they associate with the brand. In order to ignite M-Commerce transactions, M-Commerce sites must offer efficient search engines, the ability to customize results and assurance of secure transactions."

I believe that it's possible that designers of the mobile portal sites that were reviewed could have intentionally omitted transaction capabilities, in the belief that the majority of consumers would be hesitant to complete a purchase via a mobile phone. Therefore, this study has actually uncovered some positive insight that service providers can utilize to enhance their offerings.

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