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Demand in the Digital Set-Top Box Market

In the consumer electronics sector, the digital set-top box market has been one of the fastest growing market segments over the past decade, and 2007 was no exception, according to the latest market study by In-Stat.

Strong demand from Free-to-Air satellite service, coupled with the expanding availability of digital cable TV and IPTV services, fueled a record-setting number of digital set top box unit shipments.

The related In-Stat research covers the worldwide market for digital set top boxes. This report provides a mid-year overview of the global digital set top box market.

It discusses why digital set top boxes are important, addresses key trends shaping current product development, and examines the growth potential of all four digital set top box markets -- cable, terrestrial, satellite or DTH, and IPTV.

In-Stat's market study found the following:

- Worldwide digital set top box unit shipments reached 143 million in 2007, up sharply from 121 million in 2006.

- Satellite set top box unit shipments accounted for just over 50 percent of all global digital set top box unit shipments last year, while digital cable set top boxes made up 29 percent of total unit shipments.

- Worldwide digital set top box product revenues hit $14 billion in 2007, an increase of $3 billion over 2006 revenues.

- The market for semiconductor components inside digital set top boxes also grew significantly last year. The total value of semiconductors embedded in digital set top boxes increased to $7.7 billion in 2007.

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