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DVD Copying Impacts Sales in US and UK

Futuresource Consulting released findings of its second annual home copying consumer research study. The research built upon the survey conducted last year, and key questions remained the same for annual benchmarking purposes.

Around one third of all respondents in both the USA and UK admit to making copies of pre-recorded DVDs in the last 6 months, up from just over a quarter of respondents in 2007.

As in 2007 it is 18-24 year old males who are most likely to be copiers. UK respondents showed a significant increase in copying TV shows on DVD when compared with 2007.

In both territories, the most common way of copying is either from a DVD player to a DVD recorder, or using a single PC software application for burning DVD copies.

In the last 6 months, DVD copiers have copied an average of 12 titles of all genres in the USA and 13 titles of all genres in the UK. In the last 6 months, the average number of movies copied in the UK was 13 new release and 9 catalog; in the USA the figures were 7 and 6 respectively.

Although most of people are copying from their own purchased DVD in both the UK and USA, a significant proportion of people are also copying from rented and borrowed titles.

In conclusion, as studio revenues from DVD are in decline, protecting revenues is even more vital than 12 months ago. The study showed that the number of people admitting to copying prerecorded DVDs has increased since 2007.

The vast majority of these copiers admit they would purchase at least some of the titles on DVD if they had not been able to copy them.

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