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Crowdfunding will Ignite Tech Start-Up Growth in 2016

Are you ready for the next wave of technology innovations to create opportunities in the new year, or are you concerned about the potential for a digital disruption to upset your current business model? Who knows what the future will bring? Industry analysts, that's who.

Juniper Research has shared a list of their predictions for the top technology trends in 2016. I'll also publish the highlights of other industry analyst predictions between now and the end of 2015. Stay tuned...

2016 – The Year Virtual Reality Gets Real

Juniper has identified 2016 as the watershed year for virtual reality (VR) headsets, both in terms of product launches and user adoption.

Oculus, Sony, and HTC are among the leading technology industry players expected to launch new VR products over the next 12 months.

The recent attention to and investment into virtual reality is helping to revitalize the industry and with major brand commercial launches imminent, Juniper says there is huge upside potential for rapid market expansion.

As a result, Juniper expects significant VR uptake over the next 5 years, as consumers benefit from a combination of improved VR technology allied to immersive applications, as well as reduced prices.

Consequently, they believe that the technology is now poised to transform the entertainment industry -- including gaming and video, over the coming years.

Meanwhile, there's the potential for VR technology to quickly expand into other markets, such as commercial applications within the industrial and healthcare sectors. Only time will tell where demand will be the greatest.

Top Ten Technology Predictions for 2016

The full list of our top ten tech predictions follow below.

  1. Virtual Reality - a watershed year
  2. Consumer robotics becomes a reality
  3. Wearables go to work
  4. The race for 5G begins
  5. Many devices, one platform
  6. Blockchain technology embraced by financial institutions
  7. Hybrid console and cloud gaming gathers pace
  8. eSports delivers significant new revenues for the games market
  9. New security models emerge
  10. Crowdfunding ignites start-up growth

If you want to learn more about these technology predictions for 2016, a free report detailing their latest market study findings is available to download, from the Juniper Research website.

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