Basic forms of Brain Machine Interface (BMI) technology have already been utilized in the medical field for a number of years. This existing use focuses around the cochlear implant, a medical device which uses BMI technology to provide a sense of sound to a person who is deaf or severely hard of hearing. However, further applications in the medical field and in other areas -- such as an entertainment device, for use in industry, for integration with automobiles or as a control mechanism -- are becoming increasingly possible, as the science and research develops. Brain Machine Interface Market Development According to the latest worldwide market study by Juniper Research, global hardware sales revenue from BMI will reach $19 billion per annum by 2027 -- that's up from an estimated $2.4 billion in 2018. BMIs bridge the gap between technology and the brain, interpreting brain signals for the purpose of interpretation or control. The study found that medical uses will account f...
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