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GenAI Tipping Point: Decisive Leaders will Excel

New IT investment is aligned with digital business growth. The rapid adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies has become a key growth catalyst across many industries. The latest growth forecast from IDC provides a compelling snapshot of the AI market's upward trajectory and underscores its pivotal role in shaping the future of business innovation. Worldwide spending on AI will more than double by 2028, reaching $632 billion. This represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 29 percent over the 2024-2028 forecast period. Such rapid adoption is a clear indicator of AI's increasing importance and the willingness of business leaders to invest heavily in the strategic use cases that fuel net-new growth. Artificial Intelligence Market Development "AI-powered transformations have delivered tangible business outcomes and value for organizations worldwide and they are building their AI strategies around employee experience, customer engagement, business process,
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