The Strategy Analytics ProductTRAX program released its Q3 list of top selling consumer handsets in the U.S. market. Motorola, with its RAZR and KRZR, and LG, collectively accounted for seven of the top best selling consumer handsets. "Overall the average retail price paid for these top ten handsets was 19 percent higher than the market average; and we continue to see strong upgrade dynamics continue to supplement U.S. market growth," stated Barry Gilbert, Vice President of the ProductTRAX services at Strategy Analytics. "Motorola, however, despite selling four of the top ten models in Q3, realized an ASP of only $80, nearly 40 percent lower than the group average." "3G devices accounted for 55 percent of these top selling device volumes. That share will continue to grow during Q4," states Chris Ambrosio, a Director in the Wireless Practice at Strategy Analytics. "While the iPhone gets the headlines, the Sync from Samsung and the Chocolate from LG qui...
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