According to the latest market study by Point Topic , the total number of broadband lines in the UK is now expected to be 25.1 million by the end of 2014 -- almost a million more than before. The increase is not huge but it will help to improve the business case for broadband, and particularly for investment in superfast broadband using next generation access. The short-term forecasts have also been increased. The actual total for the end of 2009 was 80,000 higher than forecast at 18,370,000 lines. The forecast for the end of 2010 has been increased to 19,790,000, up from 19,580,000 previously. Looking back, projections such as these made by Point Topic are also proving highly accurate. The forecast for end-2009 made in October 2007 was within 1 percent of the actual result. The current forecast for end-2010 is just 1.2 percent higher than the forecast published in 2007. A major feature of the longer-term forecasts is the dramatic growth projected for superfast broadband, ma...
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