Worldwide broadband subscriptions will exceed 536 million by 2011, with DSL representing over half of the market. Fiber (FTTx) and WiMax will be among the fastest growing access technologies in the next fibe years, according to a new report by Strategy Analytics. "Ambitious fiber rollouts in the U.S. by Verizon and AT&T, and in Europe by French operator Free, will bring overall FTT(x) subscriptions to 64 million by 2011," says Ben Piper, Director of the Strategy Analytics Broadband Network Strategies Service. That said, it should be duly noted that fiber to the home in the U.S. is barely at one percent market penetration today, and so carriers such as Verizon and AT&T have a long road ahead as they attempt to catch up with the Asia-Pacific and European market leaders. Broadband Service revenues will surpass $150 billion in 2011, with Europe, Asia-Pacific and North America (Canada, in particular) leading the way. This represents a 13 percent CAGR from 2007 through 201...
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